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including Commonwealth Bank, Macquarie Bank, Westpac, ANZ, Bank of New Zealand, MLC, Lumley Insurance and Aon. We are right at the cutting edge of assisting large and complex financial.

risk management

customer relationship management

improving operational efficiencies

financial performance management


Businesses of all sizes are getting smarter about their assets, people and transactions. It's thanks to IoT, cloud applications as well as A.I. / cognitive platforms that find new insights within large data sets.

While most areas of a business have already adopted a degree of digitisation, asset managers have been slower to embrace the digital revolution. Historically, enterprise management systems (like Maximo) have focused on becoming the single source of truth for lifecycle performance, cost and condition of organisational assets and facilities.

This has been an essential stage to increase the performance of asset-intensive businesses. However, progression beyond this point requires the unlocking of insights buried in individual and collective asset records. This then supports enhanced planning and strategic decision-making.



Managing assets has become increasingly sophisticated, but maintenance tools have also gotten smarter.

The evolution of predictive analytic tools and the growth of A.I. and cognitive platforms now allows organisations to identify and resolve issues before they become problems. By analysing historical condition and performance data, potential failures or machines experiencing anomalous behaviour can be identified and fixed. This helps increase uptime and reduce maintenance costs.

These capabilities can also be applied to the supply chain, work order and resource scheduling and to operational planning. Certus has the expertise to combine deep knowledge of asset management with experience in predictive analytics, to optimise asset performance.


Asset-intensive organisations collect vast amounts of data from field-based based sensors and machine-to-machine communications. Housing, governing and quality-assuring this data is the first challenge. Certus can help you tap into this precious resource, enabling you to create smarter assets, deliver intelligent insights and provide new business outcomes.

We focus on creating asset intelligence. The challenge for organisations is to make sense of IoT data and using it to deliver meaningful actions.

Through data analytics, cognitive computing and other Artificial Intelligence platforms, Certus can help unlock the potential of your IoT data. The major building blocks of an IoT solution include:

  • Sensors and gateways for sensor data
  • Edge analytic tools for conditioning and pre-analysing asset sensors
  • Storage (generally cloud) of raw and analysed sensor data
  • Analytics and actions driven by sensor inputs
  • A.I. and Cognitive Computing for advanced analytics

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Tivoli Asset management manager
Tivoli application dependance discovery manager

Overcome the challenges of equipment maintenance!

Learn how organisations can optimise their maintenance processes and improve knowledge sharing.




Michael Cahir is Industry Director of Asset Intensive Industries at Certus. He has over 30 years’ experience combining process automation and information management, to create innovative solutions for asset centric industries.